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During the process of finishing this assignment, I did reading aloud twice by reading different books to two different targets. For the first experience, it wasn’t very successful and frustrating. I choose a booked published by East West publisher, called Winnie the witch.  I like the story which has simple sentence pattern and surprised turning points hidden behind the story. It was simplified by the publisher and the illustration is not detailed on everything. Basically, a page contained a sentence and a picture that says about the sentence. So I think it shouldn’t be a problem for the first graders to understand. But things went wrong and I got frustrated at the end. Afterwards, I realized that it would be easier to do it smoothly if I had done some preparation before reading. The preparation before reading a book is the key point for a successful experience.
The second experience:
After the failure for the first reading aloud, I did it for second time with different book to different targets. This time I make some effort on my targets and the book. Of course, I learn the lesson from my first experience. I did the proper preparation for the second reading aloud.

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