目前分類:兒童英語繪本教學 (2)

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Princess Smartypantsis an amazing story that children love it. It is not a traditional fairy story with the beautiful princess and handsome prince. On the contrast, the story includes more modern themes. Princess Smartypants, an alternative princess, is quite happy being a single and does not want to get married to a prince at all. She set her 9 suitors a variety of difficult tasks which she hopes they will not be able to carry out. The prince try, but only one is successful. Will it end with “the prince and the princess live happily ever after”? The answer to the question is “No”. The ending is quite anti-tradition. In our school, the volunteer story mother told the story in Chinese version to the younger children once. That’s the first time I hear about this story. I was attracted as the children were.  Also, we hope to deliver a concept of sex equity to the children while listening to the story. It is a good story for cross-curriculum linking. The story is a narrative in simple past tense and using some direct speech. The sentences repeat a lot which helps children to follow the story and reinforces new vocabulary and sentence structures. This story teaching may spend 3 weeks, 6 lessons to accomplish the goals and activities. The teaching target will be aimed on middle and higher graders. The language used and activities should be adjusted depending on the different target.
The followings are my teaching ideas and procedures:
A.    Concepts and thinking:

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